Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture
At Vitacress, sustainability is based on four policies that ensure positive impact and do not endanger resources that will be needed by future generations.
Environment (encompassing water, waste, energy, soils, crop protection and biodiversity):
For us, there is only one way: preserving what is natural. Passion and respect for the environment makes us want to take a step further in everything we do. We are committed to the sustainable use of natural resources that we have at our disposal, by investing in the best techniques and good farming and production practices, ensuring environmental and ecosystem sustainability, recognised and certified by Global G.A.P., LEAF and ISO 14001 standards.
Health and safety at work:
Vitacress makes the commitment of managing its resources ensuring the safety, health and well-being of all individuals affected by performing their work, always acting in the perspective of protecting and preventing, whether in the occurrence of incidents or of the occupational diseases, promoting training, information and internal communication focused on the sustainable development of the culture of safety and health at work, recognized by the OSHAS 18001 certification.
Quality and food safety
With the aim of providing the freshest, tastier and healthiest products throughout the year, Vitacess has its good farming and salad processing practices acknowledged by the certifications of Global G.A.P. and BRC, guaranteeing, consistently, the product’s high levels of quality and safety and in compliance with the legal requirements and national, international and customer standards.
We are proud to have responsible employees who do everything to guarantee the protection of nature, the success of our business and the quality of life of the community we integrate.

social responsibility
Vitacress supports several institutions and projects.
Vitacress takes responsibility for its relationship with people and the surrounding community, by means of cooperation protocols with several institutions at national level. It is in this sense, we donate products for social causes, help integrate people with special needs into the labour market, set up pedagogical school gardens, support local development events and environmental protection projects, support the educational training of school-age youth, and engage in scientific research projects.
As for Social Responsibility, Vitacress has adopted collaboration protocols with several institutions at national level. This collaboration is focused on:
- The donation of products aimed at social baskets and the making of meals.
- The integration of people with special needs into the labour market.
- The installation of school vegetable gardens.
- Providing support to local development events.
- Providing support to environmental protection projects.
- Providing support to the educational training of school-age youth.
- Providing support to research projects.